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30 Day Gyaru Challenge: Day 21

Hello! Long time no see! I had paused my challenge because I was taking a mental health break, but now I am back!

This time with the last third of this challenge from days 21 to 30!

So without further ado, the topic of today is: What's in your make up bag?

Personally, I use a pouch and a small bag I have, to store my make up. I mean, I know I need a bigger bag or pouch but I don't have that much makeup yet. Make up expires so I don't think I need to buy more when I haven't used up or dismissed what I already have. I am also on a budget but it is mostly because I don't need that much, I am not a makeup artist or generally use that much makeup outside of gyaru.

I used to not wear make up at all because my face would break out and I couldn't stand the feeling of makeup on my face; but because I wanted to be a gyaru so bad, I got used to the feeling and I take better care of my skin, at least for now :'D

Gyaru gives me a sense of motivation and makes me feel beautiful, so I want to try as much as possible with make up because I love how loud it is! The thing is I have no interest in makeup outside of J-fashion.

This is all the make up I have minus the powder because I run out recently and need to buy again :') and minus my setting spray and the eyelash curler xD The thing is I don't want to buy regular make up anymore. Because I am a vegan, I would like to start buying vegan and cruelty free makeup, so I will gradually switch my products to vegan/cruelty free ones. I will also keep you updated!

I keep my lashes out of the pouches because they don't fit in (^ω^)' Also those diamond lash lower lashes will be untouched because I am terrified to use brand lashes unless I have to be in a very important event. I don't know, I just feel like I will waste them haha

Now, let's see what is inside those pouches!

Firstly, these are the eyeshadow palettes that I use, specifically the 3 coloured one from sephora, I use the most! I use the lighter eyeshadow as a powder now that I don't have a powder and the darkest shade to contour my face because I don't have a contour kit.

When out of gyaru I like using the red and pink eyeshadow from the colourful palette. The last palette, I got on a whim and I haven't really used much yet. I just got it because I felt lacking having only those two but in the end, I probably didn't have to buy. Next time, I will make sure to finish it up before buying new ones haha

And that is the rest of my makeup and brushes that I use. That loose eyeshadow, I also use as a highlighter, because it shines so much and I thought it would be wasteful to buy a highlighter separately. There you can also spot lots of pencils, eyeliner and lipsticks that I really do have to sort out, throw away and see what to keep. I also have a lipgloss that is pretty cute but I cannot remember for the life of me, where I have placed it. That is why I take it with me when I go out, so it is probably in a bag somewhere haha

Missing from my makeup collection:

You may have noticed a lack of concealer, the truth is I don't have as much of an acne problem anymore or really big undereye circles and I didn't use it that much. So, when my sister borrowed it once, I forgot to ask it back and there it stayed xD

Also, a lack of primer; I know it is very important when you do makeup but I use my moisturizer before and my fixing spray after and I haven't really run into a problem. Why is primer so important? Am I missing something?

Many makeup brushes and sponges, I don't use more than what I have but I would really like a contouring brush at some point. I think I might need to invest in brushes but the good ones are so expensiiiiiive!

And lastly, eyebrow things. I just pluck my eyebrows and bleach them and use small scissors to trim them to shape. Sometimes, I will use a pomade I got to make them a bit darker but the truth is that it feels meh, so I don't really use it.

This is all for today!


Pitsi <3



Hi, I hope you enjoy your stay

I have been a gyaru for a while now but since 2022 I decided to take it more seriously, hence the existence of this blog ^_^

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